Can I type here?

Thursday, January 05, 2006

so guess who got a shout-out in the web-only section of the Village Voice

Me. And I would like to say, Mr. Maldoro, I would never compare you to the likes of Bill O' Reilly. And my expertise isn't in geography, it's in -- actually, no, I don't have an expertise, or any useful knowledge whatsoever.

But I really do like Johnny Maldoro. I read (well, browsed) his old column, and while I'm pretty sure that I'm worse off for it, the guy is a talented writer. I noticed when he was ditched from the "hot spot" (now "people"); I figured the decision was made so he could be replaced with more attractive, popular lesbians. I did say I was glad to see him back [scroll down to see my boring little comment] and was ignored.

Lesson: if you want to get a mention, use a dirty word.

(That doesn't apply here, by the way. I'll respond to any actual human who leaves a comment, because I expect the only comments I will get will be, "Hi, interesting blog! You should visit my [SPAM] on my [SPAM] about [SPAM]!")


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